Innovation Youth
For the past several years, Innovation Youth has managed several urban agriculture sites downtown, through a program called From the Root to the City. These sites, aiming to augment green spaces in densely heated urban areas, also serve as learning gardens for youth, children, churches and families. Six young interns will work at these gardens on a weekly basis, under the supervision of the environmental educator. We are looking for a candidate who is passionate about gardening in an urban environment, who loves creation care, who is ready to learn and reflect about theological and justice-related issues to urban ministry and who is a flexible team player.

Job Posting
Time commitment – 30 hours/week
Pay scale – $14.50/h
Start date – May 16, 2022
End date – September 2nd, 2022, possibility of extending contract conditionally upon funding
This summer job is of ered in collaboration with Service Canada and is conditional to the provision of a federal grant. The applicant must be at least 15 years old and no more than 30 years old at the moment of hiring.
Main responsibilities
Attend biweekly staff check-ins and prayer meetings, Christian Direction staff meetings and other supplementary training
Work with Community Mobilisation Agent to manage volunteers for all sites
Liaise with the Garden Technician to create lists of tasks for each site
Host work sessions
Create and maintain volunteer schedule and/or scheduling tool
Work with the Coordinator to recruit volunteers
Create and maintain a volunteer communication plan
Collaborate with Community Mobilisation Agent and Coordinator to plan and host community education activities
Manage interns
Liaise with the Garden Technician to create lists of tasks for each site
Supervise interns while on site
Liaise with Ferme de l’Ile for a West-Island rotation
Schedule workshops
Work with the Coordinator to create internship evaluation materials
Conduct internship evaluations
Collaborate with Innovation Youth Library staff to host a Children’s Garden Club (dates TBD, July and August)
Participate in the Urban Labs training program, a theological undergirding to urban practice
Interested in/committed to being part of the program for multiple years
Experience in education, facilitation, community work, or similar fields
Comfortable in English and French
Knowledge of or training in environmental studies, gardening, or similar
Other Responsibilities
Committed to Christ and who affirms the Nicene Creed.
Committed to a life animated by the Spirit and spiritual disciplines (i.e. community, simplicity, and witness).
Strong sense of vocation and integration of faith and work.
Team player and team builder, participating in the life and spirituality of the team.
Not be more than 30 years old at the moment of hiring
Context and organisation
Christian Direction is a Christian organisation. Its vision is to see God transform all of life in urban communities by the concerted actions of committed Christians. It fulfils its vision through partnerships with churches that are committed towards their local community and doing ministries with committed Christians. Christian Direction has several ministry sites located in five boroughs in Montréal, but is also doing ministry elsewhere in Quebec.
Innovation Youth is one of Christian Direction’s urban ministries located in Peter-McGill, on the western end of downtown Montreal. It’s mission is to offer a community space to families and youth living in or frequently visiting downtown, opening up possibilities for harmonious integration into family, social and academic life. Amongst its services, Innovation Youth offers Connections, a high school diploma program, a children’s library, urban agriculture initiatives, community development and food autonomy programs.